Call for papers

I. Description

Regarding the XVII World Congress of Procedural Law of the International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL), which will take place in the city of Lima (Perú), between September 5 and 8, 2023, the Call for Papers will be carried out. On this occasion, the host of this event will be the Pontificia UniversidadCatólica del Perú (PUCP), with the main theme “Judicial independence in the third millennium”.

II. Profile and Summary

All interested are invited to send a document with their profile and a brief summary of the topic they would like to discuss (no more than 10,000 characters, including spaces), until May16th. Proposals must be written inEnglish or Spanish, focused on issues related to the Call for Papers.

III. Registration procedure

Interested persons should send the brief summary of up to 10,000 characters, in PDF version and with the specifications of item II, to the email of the Call for Papers coordinators: Professors Luis Alfaro Valverde ( and Mónica Bustamante Rúa (

IV. Evaluation and selection procedure

The IAPL Evaluation Commissions will decide on the proposals within a maximum period of one month, to inform the list of those selected by June 19th, 2023 and the results will be communicated via email.

Each evaluator will apply the following form and evaluation criteria to each proposal: (i) multidisciplinary approach to the main theme of the Congress; (ii) innovation and creativity in the proposed solution to the legal problem identified; (iii) reasoning and originality; (iv) argumentation, clarity and coherence of the content; (v) clarity and coherence in the conclusion.

The Call for Papers coordinators: Professors Luis Alfaro Valverde and Mónica Bustamante Rúa, will receive the evaluation sheets and will average the evaluations to select the summaries that have reached at least 70 points out of a total of 100.

The selected authors will be invited to submit a detailed text of their contributions (with a maximum length of 50,000 characters, including spaces and footnotes), no later than August 20th, 2023.

The authors who are selected must register for the event, for which they will be able to access a promotional registration fee of US$ 150.

V. Evaluators commissions

In order to guarantee the transparency and objectivity of the evaluation and selection process of the abstracts, two evaluation committees are formed, made up of representatives from different continents. No evaluator may assess an abstract by an author who is from his own country of origin.